The burnout

Johnny Tuturro
1 min readJan 15, 2024


The burnout is real.

I have went months without actually posting anything on here because I have been uninspired, ever since I spewed out the first draft of my story, Electric Tacos.

I wrote over 65,000 words in around 50 days, writing every single day nonstop. I was inspired and had enough ideas to push through the first draft seamlessly, making notes as I went.

Everything went well, and I felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Then came the aftermath. The feeling of dread when all of my inspiration had dried up.

I spent weeks trying to inspire myself to write something else, and rewrite Electric Tacos when one night out of the blue a revelation hit me:

Creativity is something you can’t force, like a bowel movement. You have to roll with it when it comes, and take what you can from it.

People shouldn’t force themselves to be creative. Too many people do that, and they end up becoming more stressed. The cycle continues. Eventually, people give up after a while when they realize there is no “magical” silver bullet that gives them inspiration in the moment, at any time.

It causes them to lose their sanity.

Don’t do that.

Rest, and come back inspired.

